I.S.M.A. Travel represents the following operators:

AVVENTURA SICILIA Tour Operating Incoming
Offers the most complete destination management services in Sicily for all targets.
Watch the Slideshow: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ZM5cqSKoZcofficial
Web Site: http://www.avventurasicilia.com/home.asp

SANTORINI GROUP OF COMPANIESOffers the most complete destination management services in Santorini.
Official website: http://www.santorinigroup.eu
Watch the Slideshow: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUD2LmrQkXY#t=19
Official website: http://www.santorinigroup.eu
Watch the Slideshow: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yUD2LmrQkXY#t=19
I.S.M.A. Travel organize events, Fam trip and Workshop for foreign markets.